Mission to Seafarers

Training Materials

As The Mission To Seafarers, we strive to empower our staff and volunteers with the knowledge and tools they need to make a positive impact on seafarers’ lives worldwide. We’ve curated a rich collection of resources and comprehensive training modules that have been carefully designed to deepen your understanding of the challenges faced by seafarers and enhance your ability to provide compassionate support.

Whether you’re a seasoned member of our team or a new volunteer eager to join our mission, this platform offers a one-stop destination for enriching your expertise. It will also help you become part of a community that is united by a shared commitment to promoting the well-being of seafarers.

We invite you to come aboard and embark on a journey of learning, compassion, and meaningful service with  The Mission To Seafarers. We believe that together, we can make a positive difference in the world.

Have a look through our various training courses and follow the link to begin

Intercultural Communication​

In this module, Sr. Joanna Okereke explains the basic features of intercultural communication. Sr. Joanna Okereke, HHCJ, a 2013 Ph.D. graduate of the Graduate Theological Foundation is a Catholic Nun and a member of the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus, from Nigeria. She is an educator and a pastoral caregiver. In 2002 she was elected the Mission Superior of her congregation in the United States and served in this capacity until 2005. Currently, Sr. Joanna is the Program Coordinator for the Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, DC. Sr. Joanna also serves as the National President of the African Women Religious Conference (AWRC) in the United States.

Fundraising for seafarers’ welfare has been a challenge for generations. In this module, Dr. Jason Zuidema speaks about the ten different sources of funding for maritime ministries.

This module will provide an overview of physiological, social and psychological issues, and contemporary occupational health issues that relate to seafarers. There will be sessions where welfare work is looked at from the perspective of intervention. Course instructor Dr. Jason Zuidema

This module aims to provide knowledge on the basic principles of international and interagency relations and knowledge on the basic principles of the IMO’s approach towards safety in the maritime domain. The international and administrative framework in relation to seafarer’s rights and seafarers’ identification will also be presented. Presenter: Dr. Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, President, World Maritime University

This lesson talks about Seafarer Welfare Centre management. In this lesson we will study:
– Support for Port-based Seafarers’ Welfare
– History and Models of Port-based Seafarers’ Welfare
– Current Issues of Concern: Internet Availability and Staff/Volunteer Recruitment and Retention
Gain insights into how a mission can better serve seafarers, using the importance of collaboration, resilience, and faith in achieving sustainable impact.
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